Ms. Virginia's English Lab

Lego Education (Part 1)

I really like to use Lego blocks to show an academic process.  Why?  Well, most kids have at least picked up a Lego block at some time, Most have built something with Legos, so they know how they fit together.  Legos stacks also appeal to the visual, spatial, tactile, and even logical learners. Plus, I usually have Legos handy at my desk to fiddle with as a fidget toy – sue me, I’m ADHD.

This works well with reading comprehension answers.  Most students just want to answer the question and move on.  For example, if asked what Charlotte from Charlotte’s Web is like, the answer given ‘A smart spider’.   Well, yes, and????  How do you know she is a smart spider?  What proves it?

Yes, Charlotte is a smart spider.  This would be the starting point, the Lego base.  

It needs more.  How do we know Charlotte is smart?  Where does it say it in the text?  I ask the student to find something that the author has written that proves Charlotte is smart.  “On page 29, Charlotte shows she can read and write”  YAY !!!!  Now we are getting somewhere!!! 

We have answered the question, we have proven our answer…..Ms. V, aren’t we done now?  Can’t I go onto the next question?  No, sorry, now you have to show the connection between the answer and the proof.  We are on to the red block above. 

Sigh…”Especially if you are a spider, being able to read and write shows you’re smart”… AWESOME!  Put it all together, hon.


“Charlotte is a smart spider.  On page 29, Charlotte proves she can read and write.  You have to be a smart spider to be able to do this:”

Am I done, Ms. V??  Yes!  That is a fantastic answer!  You are an awesome kid and an awesome student!  Let’s go onto the next question.  Please give me back my Lego stack.  We’ll need it for the next question.

Why do I need my Lego stack back?  As a visual and tactile reminder of how to construct the next answer. 

Try it –  it truly works.

(Part 2 – using Legos in the writing process)

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