Ms. Virginia's English Lab

Electronics CAN save sanity!

Organization, communication, student organization

Electronics – a lot of people have a love-hate relationship with their electronics.  It seems like we get tons of emails, text messages…and then we go on to a computer game or our favorite website for just one minute….and surface an hour later.

The thing is – electronics can be really helpful too.  It just depends on how you use them.  Take Google Calendar, for example.  My family would be lost without it.  Everyone has their own calendar that feeds into the family calendar.  This helps so, SO much when we are trying to plan something.  It saves the ‘Hey, do you maybe have time to go to the zoo this week?’  Or, even more likely – ‘Hey, the kids have two soccer tournaments this weekend, right? How are we going to work out who is going to be where when – let’s get onto the calendar’.  (I usually just add the dinner menu, print it out, and stick it on the fridge! 

Facebook Messenger is usually how we compare schedules.  Instant messengers are another good electronics tool for busy families.  Let’s face it –  a text is more discreet than a phone call.  Plans change at the last minute, traffic jams pop up, stuff happens.  Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp – these can work as a phone, video, or text connection – and can help with that school or after school activity pickup. 

How are electronics a good thing for students?  Aren’t we supposed to try to keep them off electronics, avoid using the computer for homework?  Definitely not in this day and age!  I am an online tutor.  The Google Suite is one of my very best friends.  Using Google Docs, a student and I can collaborate on editing an essay, can brainstorm about a topic, or can even pull up a website to see what we are reading about.  One of my students and I were reading an article on an event in Alaska, Fat Bear Month.  People follow bears online and try to guess which bear will eat the most before the winter hibernation.  There is a website with several webcams to follow these bears.  My student and I spent a great 15 minutes exploring this site and talking about the ecosystem involved and the need for nature conservation. 

It’s not so much that electronics shouldn’t be used, but it IS necessary to think about HOW they are used. 

We are down to only one at home, but THIS was a lifesaver a few years ago! Available on Amazon

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